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Mile 227 (km 364.7) Alaska Highway

Adsett Creek pullout – This is the start of the 1992 Adsett Creek Highway Realignment that straightened 41 miles of the original highway between mile 234 and 275.

Mile 198 (km 319) Alaska Highway

Trutch Rest Area Excellent public bathroom facilities and cell service provided at this site. Part of the Peace River Regional District’s the Gotta Go service.

Mile 176 (km 282.3) Alaska Highway

South end of the Trutch Mountain Bypass that traverses the Minnaker River Valley. The bypass eliminated miles of the steep, winding highway. Trutch Mountain Summit was the second highest summit (4,134 ft) on the original highway.

Mile 145.1 (km 233.4) Alaska Highway

Suicide Hill. Use the pullout to view the information signs about this treacherous hill on the original highway that was marked with a sign: “Prepare to Meet Thy Maker.”